Saturday, November 27, 2010


"After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." Matt. 6:9

One time my son Zechariah asked me why I always ask most kids in our church to greet their mums when they get back home but I never sent greetings to their dads. When we got home I explained to him that they did not have  fathers, they were from single parents because of the immorality around our church compound. We neighbor a slum that harbors crime, prostitution, illicit drinks and drugs. Out of this cesspool are born beautiful children that we love and extend a modicum of fatherly care. 
The disciples had heard Jesus call God his Father and now there was going to be a paradigm shift. They were to call on God as their Father. The same thing applies to all those who are washed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Are you born again? How is your earthly father? Let me assure you that you have an excellent Father in heaven who;


       Love here on earth is pegged on so many things, money, educational achievements, connections in society, looks and abilities and many other trivialities. You guessed right, you have a Father in Heaven who loves you without all of the above. He loves you the  way you are. Listen to this, " Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." 1 Peter. 5: 7

2.LISTENS UNTIRINGLY-(Psalm.55:16-17)

      Does your earthly father give you an ear? With our large families and accompanying poverty your father has no time and resources to solve your needs.With the fast life and putting many working hour in order to place food on the table who shall listen to you other than your Father in heaven? Again listen to this,              " Evening, and morning, and at noon,will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice." Psalm.55:17 Do not just call Him ones a day but as many times because your prayers are a sweet incense in His presence.

 3.SLEEPETH NOT-( Psalm. 121:3-5)

"Come back next time, the boss is not able to attend to you he is unwell".You are now familiar with this when in need. Your dad might be limited in giving you support or he might be down with malaria. When you are weak, asleep in Mogadishu or in a slum somewhere your heavenly Father is alert and focused on your security and infirmity. " Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. the LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore." Psalm 121:4-8

4. CHASTENETH LOVINGLY-( Hebrew.12:6-8)

I am now tired of the many cases of parents who have hacked their children to death because of  very small misunderstandings. God will chasten you not out of any other motivation but love. The chastening is proof of His relationship with you and His work of sanctification your life. He is holy and and wants us holy. " For whom the LORD loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth." Hebrew. 12:6
I sense the fatherhood of God in His chastening, be worried when you sin and nothing happens, " But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons." Hebrews.12:8


The conduct of your earthly father can obscure your view of a loving and caring heavenly Father. Believe what the Bible say about His Fatherhood. Do you call Him "My Father?" You can only do so if you are saved/born-again. "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." John. 1:12

                      "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." John.3:7

Thursday, November 25, 2010


"And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" Romans 10:15.

There are several reasons why I am persuaded that you need to subscribed to this cause. To be precise you are already by the fact of your salvation conscripted into it but disobedience has gotten a hold of many brethren.

The First reason is because the great commission is a command to all that are born-again even in difficult places and times.
I interact so closely with a number of missionaries from America and you might not believe the sacrifice they make just to see a soul saved and Hell depopulated. How I wish I had their permission to let you into the details. One young American lady drove alone late in the afternoon for over one hundred kilometers after conducting  a Sunday School Teachers seminar in our church. Her car broke down on the way but the Lord enabled her to get to Nanyuki safe. She took a risk most would not dare knowing the insecurity on our highways. I imagine the blessings of God not just upon her but even on those who support her work in Kenya. We must come out of our comfort for the gospel.

The Second reason is because the continent  has not known peace in its entire history.
Peace is a basic ingredient to any meaningful development. Its absence has been conspicuous. Africa's peace can only come from the Prince of peace. The western democratic principles have given us a semblence of peace that turns like a pendulum; one time you have it and a new regime comes to power and withdraws it."Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph." Exodus 1:8. Africa has had a fair share of such political kings. I submit to you that it is only the gospel that can change this continent. The gospel has the penetrating  power to change mankind in totality. " Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5: 17. The gospel is the power of God that makes nuclear arsenal look like a kids toy.This is what needs to resonate from Cairo to Cape town and from Dakar to Nairobi. Watch any international television station, there is hardly any glad tidings from this continent. It is either political chaos or genocide in Rwanda that is followed by Hollywood movie producers out to make a windfall  with a box-office horror movie shot on site. As the rapture of the church nears, I see the Lord turning the tide. " ...I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Heb.13:5. They shall be a great revival in our days that shall change the spiritual cause of this beautiful continent. American was changed by the men of God who plunged into the deep. Billy Sunday, D.L. Moody, John Rice, Lee Robertson set examples that we can all follow. They could say with Apostle Paul, " Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ." 1 Cor. 11:1 It is Africa's turn to organize great monthly evangelistic crusades that leave an entire town, village or city surrendered to Jesus. The old-time religion is back and with the blessings of the Almighty we shall do exploits to the glory of God.

The Third reason is because we have been sent.
  God can never send you anywhere without supplying you with the necessary grace. God has set apart a people for this task. We know that we are not alone. Other than His promises, "...I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." Matt.28:20 I am convinced that there are so many others on the continent and beyond the Lord has burdened for the spiritual cause of Africa. Some have been  sent to come to Africa, others are praying and supporting the work here. We have the high calling of God to serve in the remotest and the most neglected parts of Africa. I see the Lord bringing His army together for a conference to chart the way forward.

The Fourth reason is because of our feet.
We all love our pedicure. Our stylist is the Lord Himself. When we shall appear before God He shall look at the feet of those who stood for the cause of the gospel and declare their feet beautiful. Do you want to have your feet beautiful before men or God? If you spend a life time in a beauty parlor and fail to have a missions heart  your feet shall  be an eyesore before your creator.I want my feet beautiful and I believe the same applies to you. Join us in Africa as we with our feet carry good news that saith unto  the continent, " Thy God reigneth!" Isaiah 52:7
You are not reading this blog by accident. The Lord must be saying something to you. I kindly ask you not to harden your heart as they did in the wilderness. If you are not born-again you have an opportunity to welcome Christ Jesus into your heart and serve Him with joy forever." For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10: 13. If Christ is Lord and Savior trust Him for ministry for there is a reason to be saved. God loves you and we love you too.

Pastor Philip & Gladys Warutere,

"Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly."  Heb.13:18

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Dear Reader,
You are a very important person to us and even more important before your creator God. This blog is intended to let you into God's work in Africa with special emphasis on Kenya. We will highly appreciate your  making this journey of faith with us.
I am pastor Philip Warutere of the Bible Baptist Church Nyahururu, Kenya. I am married to Gladys Kanze the most beautiful woman on planet earth. We are blessed with two children, Vanessa Muringi 18 and Zechariah Githinji 12. God has recently given us the burden to plant Bible believing churches in Africa. The Lord has taught us to put our trust in Him, attempt great things for Him and expect great things from Him. We are sure that He shall supply all our church- planting needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. We are daring to do what for long has been thought to be a preserve of Western missionaries. We shall forever remain grateful to the foundational work done by Independent Fundamental Baptist missionaries from the West. But it has become necessary to sense and appreciate the current move of God in Africa today. There has emerged a group of national pastors with clear instructions to build on the excellent work done by foreign missionaries and take the church to the next level. Missionaries have laid a biblical foundation and the people who are from this culture must keep the fire of the Holy Spirit burning and get to places that missionaries could and cannot reach.This is not to say that the missionaries on the ground should pack on go. On the contrary, we still need them in some parts of Africa. We must integrate the national pastors ministry with experienced pastors, evangelists, conference speakers and Bible institute lecturers from the Western world. Independent Fundamental Baptist National Conferences focused on the development of the national pastors are needed today.This should be annual and geared towards bringing us out of the cocoons we have been previously condemned into. Amongst many things this blog is intended to do is to link up with Independent Fundamental Baptist churches with a passion to see souls saved in Africa and facilitate them obey God's command to them.
If you are interested in what God is doing in Africa then this is your blog. Please feel free to make comments and positive criticism that will keep us in the straight and the narrow. May the Lord find us faithful.We covet your prayers. We love you.
Pastor Philip & Gladys Warutere
Matthew 28:18-20