Saturday, December 4, 2010


" For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God." Acts. 20: 27

It is 11:24 pm and my mind and heart are on tomorrows youth day. We are expecting about thirty to attend and receive teachings that will change their lives. For those who are not born again, may it be an opportunity to receive Jesus Christ in their hearts and for the rest an opportunity to recommit their lives to God. I have invited my good friends and a wonderful missionary couple Daniel Shaw and Kenia Shaw to facilitate. Please remember them in prayers as they serve the Lord in a new environment far from their home. Remember too the youth from our youngest church ( Aberdare Baptist Church) as they trust God for their fare to the venue.
 I am trusting God for a vibrant youth program next year that shall see the church full of activities. The youth loathe dullness and fun activities coupled with bible lessons shall bring immense positive changes in their lives. Independent Fundamental Baptist churches in Africa have to wake up lest they loose out to false teachings on the continent.  Without compromising on our doctrines we must accept that the youth of yesterdays is different from the one we see today. Today's youth is IT savvy and has the world at his finger-tips hence vulnerable to internet influence which in most instances is negative. Today's youth should be handled differently from the way my pastor did to me when I enjoyed societal innocence. We must boldly confront modern day challenges head-on without fear or shame. Like the proverbial ostrich we have buried our heads in the sand for a long time. Who has the guts to speak to them on matters sexual? I looked at my daughter's past examination papers that she took when  in primary school and was shocked to see questions on areas I would never have wanted mentioned in my house. I thought she had never heard certain things just to realize that they were being taught at that tender age. The church has a responsibility to teach the same from a biblical standpoint just as it taught creation to counter evolution  in schools.  Pray with us that we shall have the grace to speak the whole counsel of God to this generation.