Monday, December 20, 2010


We thank the Lord for yesterdays Christmas service. Let me explain that we deliberately chose as a church to celebrate early in order to give families time together on Saturday 25th, December.
This year's Christmas was so different from what we are used to. The church was full to capacity and the climax was the sermon on "The Three Wise Women" followed by the salvation of two ladies.During the invitation the altar was full with Christians pouring their hearts out to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The three wise women challenged our hearts because they were able to acknowledge and accept the Lordship of Jesus before His birth and even led others to Him.
To Elizabeth, Mary was the mother of her LORD. Jesus was Elizabeth's Lord before He was even physical born( incarnated), Elizabeth's focus was what was in Mary's womb and not Mary. (Luke 1:43). Wasn't this woman wise? Wisdom is not found in university papers but in the personal knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ.
Mary in her magnificat acknowledges Jesus as her savior while still in her womb, she saw the baby in her womb as her Savior and deliverer (Luke 1 : 47).It is very sad that Roman Catholicism has built a Mary cult that has no basis in scripture. Mary accepted the sovereignty of God to use a handmaid of low estate. Mary does not qualify and neither does she ask for any worship. Wisdom is knowing that Jesus is the only Savior ( John 14:6).
Lastly is the wise old woman and prophetess Anna who spoke of Jesus as redeemer in Jerusalem,( Luke 2: 38) she pointed people to Christ thirty years before John the baptist came into the scene and shouted " Behold the lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world" John 1:29. Wisdom is directing people to the only available redeemer of mankind the Lord Jesus Christ. The pentecostal church like the Roman Cats have a skewed understand of prophecy and prophets. Let me spare that discussion for another day.
Two Sunday schools classes presented Christmas skits that were well received by the congregation. Several families sung carols in different languages and that is the beauty of our church, the different tribal languages joined together into one body  by the blood of Jesus.
We had a sumptuous meal cooked by our own kitchen catering department. We cannot thank God enough for the chapatis, rice, peas, beef, soda and  bananas. When we thought the day was ended we were again asked to go back to the church hall and this is where yet another miracle awaited us. At the pulpit were bundles of wheat flour, packets of rice and bottles of one litre quality ( Elianto) cooking oil. Every family left the church with enough foodstuff for the 25th, December. The mood was celebratory in every way. There was an outpouring of thanksgiving and we all broke in prayer on behalf of those whom the Lord had used to make this possible. It was emotional. I asked the church for a photo session in memory of a great birthday party of our One and Only True Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
What a day, what a function and what a great Savior we have!
The wise men went to Jesus, Wise men and women always go to Jesus.