You and I would definitely love to see an exponential growth of our local churches. How does that happen scripturally? The above Bible quote starts thus, " Praising God and having favour with all the people." I looked up the word "all" in Spiros Zodhiates' "The Complete Word Study Dictionary" and it means whole when used as a demonstrative pronoun, wholly, through and through. This explains the solid unity and tight bond that existed in the first church. None was exempt and everyone participated in one way or another towards worship and increase of souls. There was a singleness of mind and purpose. A true brotherhood, adelphos; a fellowship of love equivalent to or bringing with it a community of life. The entire church is called upon to participate. No bystanders!
" Whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my my brother, and sister, and mother." Matt.12:50. This was a brotherhood conjoined by Jesus Christ.
When we come together as brethren, with singleness of a spiritual purpose and play our part in winning souls the Lord does His. He gives us an increase. And He does this daily.
Lord, help us to appreciate daily that we are believers under the great but yet a compassionate commission. That this commission is for us all. Open our eyes to see the perishing and touch our hearts to care. May we trust in your presence when we go out to share the gospel. That it is not about us but its all about You. Use us Lord for thine glory. Amen!
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