Monday, December 27, 2010


"Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved." Romans 10:1
DESIRE- "...he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Psalm 37:4
These were serious utterances coming out of the very bottom of Apostle Paul's heart. He meant every word he said and was prepared to die for it. Please for the purposes of this article replace Israel with Africa.
Every beginning of a new year starts with new year resolutions. I was reading an article in one of our daily newspapers and the columnist advised that it is better not to make any so that you are not made to feel guilty at the end of the year for fulfilling none. I choose to make what is not necessarily a resolution but a 2011 desire and prayer. I have a desire to see Africa saved and  many people ask me how I shall accomplish it. I tell them that it is a daunting task that only faith in God can enable one achieve. I take comfort in the omnipotence of my God. I get courage in the knowledge that with God all things are possible. My faith is anchored in the promises of a faithful God. I am unshakable because I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.I know it is a battle but I rejoice because it does not belong to me but to God who has never lost a single fight. I can therefore desire, I can entertain spiritual desires in my heart. I tell you that I can not be accused of desiring for anything that glorifies God. I am but a vessel of clay, very weak but with a Mighty God who shall grant me the desires of my heart.The same I believe applies to you. Let us earnestly and openly express our desires this coming year for there is power in the words that we utter. 2011 is the year for the bold in faith.
PRAYER- " ought always to pray, and not to faint." Luke 18:1
It is not just a desire that I shall keep to myself. I must pray, I must verbalize my heart's desire before the throne of grace so that I may obtain mercy from the King of kings who seats on the throne. I must have faith because "...without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Hebrew 11:6. By faith I must make the following  statement prompted by faith in an awesome God.  2011 is the year of answered prayers. Oops! You are shocked by that? God is going to answer every prayer I make this year and not just mine but yours too. He shall equip you and I for the task. He shall pour a fresh anointing for service on us. He shall surround us with people with a vision for His ministry. His hand of favor shall be upon us. We shall walk through open doors and do that which honors Him. For 365 days of 2011 He shall whisper into our tiny ears, " Fear not" and hold us by His hand. Our discernment shall be sharper and we shall see more than we ordinarily see. He shall grant us wisdom above our years for the task ahead demands it. He is a very very good God.
SALVATION- "...that the world through him might be saved." John 3:17
Having a desire is very important to us in 2011 because it defines our being. Praying should be our lifestyle in 2011 because it gives us the spiritual power to accomplish the desire. The sole goal for these is the salvation of souls. Sinners shall come to the saving knowledge of the savior. We shall call on the Lord in our homes, churches, fellowships and on every platform He gives us to beseech Him to save souls. We shall mention names before Him of friends, relatives, neighbors et al to save. We shall distribute tracts, knock doors, preach in open-air meetings, speak of His saving grace from our pulpits and engage technology and social networks to reach the continent. Salvation of souls is what made Christ leave the Shekinah glory be incarnated and die on the cross of Calvary. All Christians are commissioned to go and make disciples. Going to win souls is an imperative. Africa must be saved.
What is your godly desire for 2011? Are you by faith going to verbalize this desire in prayer? Do you know that God has commissioned you for soul winning? God loves you and has a good plan for you in 2011. Let us join hands and do what heaven expects of us in 2011.